News and Events
[CLOSED] Symposium Registration
Update: registration is now closed for external registrations. Employees who are part of the UU can still register.
On 26 and 27 June 2024, the Cultures of Adaptation Network is organising an Early Careers’ Symposium on “Regional Convergences and Divergences in Cultures of Climate Adaptation” at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Early career researchers have been invited to present their research within the domains of climate (change) adaptation, adaptation policies, (non-)migration, environmental behaviour and global health. We have also invited three keynote speakers to deliver keynotes of their research and vision on glocal climate change adaptation discourses. We now invite registrations for attendance at the symposium online. Registration can be done until June 20 2024. Scroll down for the registration form.

Fill in the form below to register for the symposium or submit a question. After registration, we will send you a link through which you can access the symposium online and a detailed program.